Vans Fall 2009 City Pack Chicago

Vans Fall 2009 City Pack San Francisco

Vans Fall 2009 City Pack New York

Vans Fall 2009 City Pack Los Angeles

Do Y'all Know What I like??? I LIKE A LONG HAIR, THICK RED BONE!!!!! (seriously I do!!! lol)
This is my song y'all like no matter where I am if I hear this song, I just gotta get up and sing it!!! Shout outs to Young Money!!!!!
YOUNG MULA BABY!!!!!! (Lil Wayne Voice)
When is your Vans shoe coming out?
How did you tackle that?
What did you go in to it wanting to make?
Today's outfit I felt was a great one, because when I seen my grandmother she was like "you very fashionable !" lol and I loved her for saying that. Now when you get compliments from the older crowd? that's how you know you have "antique flyness". Most of the older crowd thinks us young folks are nothing but some pants sagging, long t-shirt wearing, loud mouth heathens! So I think it's my job, and yours too, To prove them wrong! Let's Get, Get, Get it!!! (shawty lo voice)
Shirt: Pink Washed V-neck Tee(Antique Flyness/Banana Republic)
Outwear: Blue Cardigan (Lacoste)
Pants: Teal Green Washed Straight Leg Jeans (Antique Flyness)
Shoes: "Green Bean" Retro Air Jordan 5 (Air Jordan)
Accessories: Green Plaid Tie (Izod), Reader Glasses
Yo check this video out from a classic movie of mine! Have you ever seen "Teen Witch"? I love this movie man! And this video "tops" it all! Like look at the clothes these dudes have on? Like totally crazy! I gotta do a "Fly Fit" like that! But tell me what you think?
So Saturday I went to the Drake concert, and it was pretty cool. I had been anticipating on going to this a event about a month ago and had done so much to get the ticket! But it was worth it! My outfit (which I'm sad I didn't post it on here!) was so "Miami Vice", I mean really groovy! You will see a snippet of it in the video above. The video is me in line highly upset for the wait! Sorry for it being sideways! lol I was hoping Wayne would have taken the stage also, but I guess he was busy!