Hey Guys!
My voice isn't getting any better, I keep getting laughed at, so I'm going to the doctor's in the morning. My mother says its the pollen but that rarely affects me? but she might be right! My "fly fit" for Tuesday was inspired by how I was feeling, SICK and Comfortable!!! And I tried to do something different with my pics like no lighting just the flash from the camera. I also try to make each picture fall into scene's of a movie, like u can imagine whats next?
oh and I haven't worn New Balances in a lonnnnnnggg time! but then I seen these pair and I was like if "ye" can rock'em, so can twon.......
Shirt: Grey Hoodie (Hanes)
Pants: Blue Straight Leg Jeans (Old Navy)
Outerwear: Purple Custom Denim Vest (Gap/Antique Flyness)
Shoes: Brown/Pink New Balance Sneakers (New Balance)